Whenever there is an appreciative discussion about Hungarian wine, Somló, our ancient treasure, is always mentioned. This old terra hermit, the lone basalt hill that produces the wine of wisdom, is always there, lingering in the silence of unspoken thoughts.
Despite its size, it has a long and famous history and hopefully a promising future, too. Somló is an outstanding personality in the Hungarian wine history. Its wine, called “the Somlai”, has built fame and reputation in distant lands. The emperors of the royal court drank it in hopes to father a male child, hence the name “the wine of consummation”. We feel honored to possess a Somló vineyard and a remarkablly sized cellar that stands sadly almost unmatched after the small size farms of the previous eras.
We own a part of the vineyard that previously belonged to the Abbey of Zirc and a remarkable size cellar on the slope of the Somló overlooking Vásárhely.